15th international Jamboree in Upper Austria


15th international Jamboree in Upper Austria

TOGETHER’23 – more than ever

Every five years the Scouts Upper Austria organise a big international scout camp. We are happy to announce, that in August 2023 we will welcome guides and scouts from all over the world to get TOGETHER and enjoy ten days of adventures, peaceful coexistence and internationality.


Here you find a selection of photos of the Together 23


Welcome to the premiere. Follow the camp via our SCOUTCAST. The potcast all about Together 2023. Listen in and if you’re at the camp, let us know what you want to hear in the next episode.

Feedback about the camp?

Give us your feedback, we are happy to hear both the things that worked well and the ones where it tweaked. Just fill in quickly now.

  • Aufbau Together
  • Eröffnung Together
  • Anreise Together 23
  • Anreise, Together 23
  • Anmeldung Together 2023 Moritz
  • Aufbau Together 2023 Moritz

All you have to know:

The theme of the 15th international Scout Camp im Upper Austria is TOGETHER. After two years of division and seperation because of the pandemic, we would love to plan, organise and enjoy another great scout camp in the Salzkammergut Together. Together with guides and scouts from upper austria, austria and of course all over the world.

Monday, 7th August to Wednesday, 16th August 2023

Scout Camp Austria, Eggenberg/Berg im Attergau in the Salzkammergut (mountains and lakes) Area

The Camp/Jamboree

The title is „Together 2023“

With the title „Together“ we want to express the cohesion in the small group, the scout community, but also in society as a whole, and deal with the topic „Together“ in an age-appropriate way. Tent camps in general and large camps in particular convey values ​​and skills such as environmental protection, independence, cohesion in the group and constant personal development to the participating children and teenagers. A camp is a learning field for many areas of life and also offers fun and adventure. Internationality is an important Scout aspect. At large camps we get to know people from all over the world. This is where friendships are formed that often last for a long time.

The camp takes place from 07.- 16. August

At TOGETHER `23 following age groups can participate:

      • Brownies and Cubs (7-10 y/o) Upper Austrian Participants only
      • Scouts and Guides (10-13 y/o) Austrian Participants only
      • Caravelles and Explorers (13-16 y/o ) Austrian and international Participants
      • Rangers and Rovers (16-21 y/o) Austrian and international Participants

Currently we are expecting 300-500 workers.

Basically it is summer in August and summer in the Salzkammergut is beautiful. Nevertheless temperatures can be rather low at night and a jacket or sweater wouldn’t be bad – maybe even two over each other. Sometimes rainproof clothing and boots are necessary – but how is the saying: “there’s no bad weather – only bad equipment”. By the way: there has never been snow at the past 14 Jamborees.

Camp languages are German and English. For further languages we will find contact persons, who can help foreign participants.

Yes, campfires are allowed – in fire bowls, that we provide or you bring with yourself. There will be enough firewood available. There will be fixed supply times for that.

In case of extreme dryness there may be restrictions for campfires

All former and active Scouts and Guides, friends and relatives of participants are warmly welcome on the Visitors Day from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m., Sunday, 13th August 2023.

The gastronomical areas provide a variety of food and non-alcoholic drinks.

Registration, data, money 

The camp fee includes food, the program, infrastructure. Not included are travelling costs. (arrival, departure)

  • Participant Ca/Ex and Ra/Ro          € 320,00
  • Leader international                          € 320,00

170€ which you will get back after the Jamboree. (if your camp ground is clean and tidy )

  • 1 day 1 person (w/o overnight stay)                        € 22,00
  • 1 day 1 person (w/ overnight stay)                          € 27,00
  • 1 day 1 child (6-14 y/o) (w/o overnight stay)        € 12,00
  • 1 day 1 child (6-14 y/o) (w/ overnight stay)          € 17,00
  • Children under 6 y/o                                                 € 0,00

For guests food will be provided only through the team-cafeteria.

Yes, we have a set capacity.

International groups need a letter of recommendation from their international commissioner to prove that their group is affiliated and registered with the World scouting organizations (WAGGS,WOSM)

Interchanging participants is always possible and free. Please contact

We always try to get a positive outcome regarding new registrations after the registration period.

Cancelation of a participant/Leader may lead to a cancelation fee.

At the Jamboree

Scout Camp Austria is a permanent scout campground. Therefore, sanitary facilities, warm water and showers can be provided for all participants.

WiFi is currently available in small areas at the campsite. Due to the geographical remoteness of the campsite and the limited bandwidth you might experience slowdowns of WiFi, mobile data and cell services.

At TOGETHER `23 there will be a Shop where you can buy official merchandising, post cards, a small selection of sanitary articles and snacks.

Cars can be parked outside the campsite at designated parking zones in Eggenberg.

Material delivery is only possible during arrival/departure. Please contact your subcamp leader in advance and obey shown delivery times below. After that, parking is only possible at designated parking zones outside the campground.

Monday 7th August 6:00 to 9:00 AM

In exceptional cases you can deliver your material on Saturday the 5th between 11.00 AM to 14:00 PM.

For every group travelling by train a shuttle bus will be provided from the train Station St. Georgen to the campsite.

For every participant there will be 4.5-meter pole wood. Planks as much as needed.

YES! You can build to your hearts content. But keep in mind that if you plan a construction with walkable platforms above 3m height please consult the technical team in advance. If a construction is exceedingly unsafe or extreme, the camp administration has every right to forbid the construction.

Keep also in mind that the responsibility for a construction lies solely on the persons who built it. That means, good planning and execution is needed. If you need any help or have any questions don’t hesitate to contact the technical team.

Health, medical attendance, First aid

Taking an e-Card or international insurance card with you is highly recommended. Please tell us about chronical ailments when registering. In case of an emergency, it is the responsibility of a leader to provide us with the correct data regarding insurance, phone numbers of parents etc. and to share them with us.

At the food supply counter is a box for every Jamboree unit available, where medicine can be stored cool if necessary.


Of course! We’ll give you the opportunity to adapt the amount of groceries for your unit. If you’ve got the feeling of getting too much or being undersupplied, we can re-adjust the amounts for your unit. Just inform the staff at your food supply counter.

For every meal at least one vegetarian dish will be offered.

You can cook on open fire (bricks for construction will be provided) or on a camping stove, that you bring with you.


Consuming alcohol is only allowed in restricted areas (gastronomy) after 6 PM, of course only for participants over 16 years of age. High percentage alcohol is forbidden on the camp site anyway. It is not allowed to bring alcohol to the Jamboree.

According to the Austrian controlled substances law the sale, possession and consumption of illegal drugs is prohibited and will have legal consequences. Therefore, resulting in the instant exclusion from the camp and a report to law enforcement.

There will be strict rules for obeying night-time silence. Further details will be announced.

There will be charging opportunities for mobile phones. All other electronical devices (e. G.  coffee machines, fridges, etc.) which are not intended by the program or specific areas are without any exceptions prohibited.

International Service Team (IST)

We are happy about every person who joins our International Service Team (IST). If you are interested to be part of the IST at the TOGETHER’23 use the online registration form for IST and then we will get in contact with you. Tell us your interests and skills so that we can find a good working area for you.

There will be an extra kitchen for staff members.

The camp takes place at the SCA = Scout Camp Austria

SCOUT CAMP AUSTRIA, Zentrum der OÖ. Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder, Eggenberg 30, 4880 Berg im Attergau, AUSTRIA

the current safety regulations apply

Currently we are expecting 4000 to 4500 participants.

Short answer: YES! All international scout groups are welcome to participate, in the age groups from Ca/Ex (13-16 y/o) to Ra/Ro (16-19 y/o)

We offer three to our guests from afar, ­either before or after the TOGETHER `23 You will be guest of an Austrian Scout group, living with their families. It is an opportunity to see more of Austria, to get to know the Austrian way of life and to spend a few relaxing days with your new friends.

On special occasions at the Jamboree – like opening or closing ceremony – it is internationally usual to wear the scout uniform. You will get a Jamboree neckerchief at arrival which signalizes that you are a participant.

There is a possibility for a short refreshment in the ager, the small river flowing through the camp site. The nearby Attersee provides several public bathing places. The duty of supervision for swimmers and non-swimmers lies in the responsibility of their leaders.

As a leader you are mainly responsible for your youths. In addition, we depend on your help with the execution of the planned program. We will inform you in time about the details.

  • 1st of January until 22nd of May 2023 € 110,00
  • 23rd of May until the start of Together`23 € 220,00
  • When the camp have started – dues wont be refundet

These are the costs per participant/leader. Should you reduce your contingent during the time periods shown above, there will still be cancelation costs. Name changes are free but only possible in the same scout and age group. Also, Leaders can’t be interchanged with participants.

100€ this will be used towards a day trip for international staff members.

20th of May 2022 marks the start of pre-registration you only have do denote the number of participants/leaders in your group. After 30st November 2022 Registration starts where you have to denote every participant/leader in detail until 28rd of February 2023.

There is going to be a campsite for guests. The registration takes place at the camp in the administrative office.

For scout groups on the waiting list there is still as possibility for being admitted. You will be informed until the end of registration in February 2023.

When all the participant data is entered in our registration system you are bindingly registered.

At the campsite showers with warm water are available to every participant.

Every age group has their own gastronomy tent. Additionally, there will be offerings for scout leaders and adults.

Providing sufficient electricity for every participant is a very complicated thing and therefore is only supplied for the program and infrastructure. There won’t be any electricity for participants but of course were going to provide places for charging your phone or drying your hair.

Yes! Additional trains to the camp are planned. We are still in talks with the ÖBB (Austrian Railway Services).

Many places on the campsite are handicapped accessible also there are handicapped accessible showers and toilets. If you have special needs don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know.

YES! There is enough firewood for everyone to cook or to make campfires with. FAIR USE! The distribution is going to be bound to fixed times.

We recycle! All Garbage should be sorted in the following categories :

  • Glas (mixed)
  • Paper and cardboard
  • Organic waste + food leftovers
  • Plastics + Metal
  • Other waste
  • Problematic waste (batteries, spray cans etc.)
    • At the end of camp: bricks & wood

The nearest possibility to withdraw money or to change foreign currencies is in the centre of St. Georgen (Volksbank, Sparkasse, Raiffeisenbank, PSK). You also have the possibility to do this at the camp site finance dept, if you pay the fees. The Jamboree payments on the campsite can also been done by Maestro-Card (with PIN-code), by credit card (MasterCard, Visa, AMEX, Diners) or cash.

The shop and the gastronomy areas only accept cash money.

The Austrian Red Cross will provide an ambulance 24h a day on the camp premises.

We strongly recommend a prophylactic vaccination for early summer meningoencephalitis (TBE).

More information you find here: TBE-Austria

Yes, in planning the Jamboree there will be the possibility for you to design with us the menu plan. Details later on.

Food supply starts on arrival day, Monday August 7th, with supper.

If you arrive earlier, you’ll have to check food for yourself.

Food supply ends on departure day, Wednesday, August 16th, with lunch.

You will be cared for by us with everything that is needed for cooking. Spices, tea, coffee, fruit syrup, etc. too.

You have to bring your own cooking material, dishes and cutlery as well as a camping stove if you don’t cook on open fire.

Austrian tap water has drinking water quality and can be consumed without any doubt. Drinking water from lakes or rivers is not recommended. Supermarkets offer a variety of bottled water, carbonated or not, unfortunately they are bottled mostly in plastic bottles which means more waste.

Because of safety reasons pets are not allowed on the camp site. Exceptions (e.g. assistance dogs) have to be confirmed by the project management of the Jamboree. An anti-rabies inoculation has to be proved.

If visitors come with dogs on Visitor Sunday, the dogs have to walk on a lead and wear a muzzle. Excrements have to be removed immediately

Smoking is only allowed in the marked restricted areas. Age limitations of Austrian law for consuming nicotine must be obeyed. (18+)

Only bicycles approved by the project leader are allowed at the campsite. (Arrival by bicycles is of course very welcomed). Cars, scooters and other means of transportation are not allowed.

Dronesflights have been approved by the projekt management before the camp and are forbidden without such an approvement. Also the air protection act is applicable.

This trip is not only to get to know all the other people from the IST but also to see some beautiful parts of Austria. We will spend the day off the campsite to see the nice scenery and some sights. Let’s get to know Austria a little bit better Together’23!

Our staff has their own staff-campground and they sleep in their own tents.


Here you see the describtions for the Ranger&Rover Workshops. The registration is on the same plattform as the RaRo-Offdsys. The Workshops will be held in 3 Timeslots.


10:00-13:00 & 14:00-17:00


The Timeslots you find on the Platform as well. If you have questions about the platform or you dont have an access yet, contact 

The meadow battle is a group game in which you try to touch each other with a stick and get the person out of the game.
The game is played according to the memory ball principle.

If one teammate touches the stick in the „hit zone“, this teammate is „OUT“ and must sit down.
If one’s attacker is caught, the teammate may continue playing again.

Everyone plays against everyone and the game ends when the best is left!

Do your keys stay somewhere else more often than you need them? Then make your own personal keychain. Whether with scarf knot, knotted, or Scoubidou – let your creativity run wild.

You like to play with fire and want to try out new and old techniques? Then you’ve come to the right place!

Meet many new people at our Workshop Speeddating at the Together!
The Workshop Speeddating, is the best opportunity for new acquaintances and diverse conversations.

Seen it a thousand times, but never made it yourself? If you want to breathe new life into empty cans, drunk TetraPaks and washed-out T-shirts, then you can give free rein to your passion for handicrafts here.

Modern poetry competition where you will learn how to
to create self-written texts
and to perform them correctly.

Leaving one’s home country is not an easy decision. What drives people to leave everything they know behind and embark on a life-threatening escape route?

You think yoga is notthing for you?
You think yoga is only for Indians and Insta-beauties?
You think yoga is sport?
Wrong, wrong and wrong again! Yoga is just different and makes you- Yippieh Yeah- just happy!

You can make great jewelry out of copper models – with a little powder and skill and an oven.

In case of extreme dryness there may be restrictions for campfires

Here you will learn the basics of austrian bread baking with your own hands! You get to make dough and shape breads and rolls and then bake them to good, nutritious bread.

Have you ever wanted to deal with your fear of heights? Or just want to enjoy the adrenalin? We have the right thing for you! Get a kick at the high ropes course or the flying fox.

Introduction to the sensory analysis of austrian fruit wine (Most), production background, tasting procedure, tasting of samples, organize a tasting with evaluation scheme

Everyone is welcome! We play theater without learning any text, spontaneously and freely.
With a lot of fun we invent characters, actions, places,… – full action! Simple exercises, short scenes, great results! You will be amazed!

The nature of life is in the circle. With the circular movements and forms of Qi Gong we become a piece of nature again. We make cloud hands move through the sky, wrap silk, connect heaven and earth and do many more amazing things in a playful, easy and simple way.

You have never knotted macramé, but you really wanted to try it? Then this is the right workshop for you! I’ll show you the basics: knotting wall hangings, decorating candle jars or creating hanging baskets,… Everything is possible 😊.

Get in touch with the fascinating world of coffee preparation and sausage making! In our fun workshop, you’ll not only learn how to make the perfect coffee at a camp, but you’ll also get the unique chance to create your own sausage to take home. Additionally, you’ll gain insight into the world of food hygiene and safety. You’ll understand why working clean and handling food properly are of great importance.

It is a relaxation technique that clears the thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs in your head stopping you from creating a life (and future) that you love, that you are excited getting out of bed for, every morning.
– It’s like hitting the delete key on your PC, where everything that’s no longer important, is allowed to go –

Fear of exams, fear of the dark, fear of the dentist, fear of flying… We all know these kinds of fears. Sometimes such fears are useful, each of us has been a fearful person in his or her life.
But fear can also be pathological.
What is the difference between healthy and sick fear and what causes can be behind the fear? In this workshop you will get answers to questions around the topic of fear.

Fancy playing soccer? You train in the team your endurance, promote coordination and strengthen especially your leg muscles.

Spend the day in Salzburg with a barter object and try to increase the value in any barter.

How good are you at deciphering different types of ciphers? Can you solve all the ciphers?

Does the thread go up or down? Through the loop or around? Here, different bracelets are designed together.

This workshop takes you on a journey into the captivating world of creative writing and personal journaling. Discover new writing techniques to express your unique voice. Explore your thoughts, emotions, and dreams as you harness the power of journaling to deepen self-discovery. Whether you’re already an experienced writer or just starting out, this workshop will help unleash your creative abilities and propel your writing journey forward. Immerse yourself in an inspiring environment, draw inspiration from fellow participants, and find the spark that brings your writing to life!

Proper debating requires a mix of listening, persuasive argumentation, and a willingness to reach out to another. Rules help to listen and respond to each other.

It’s all about rhythm. We groove together via body percussion, voice and movement.
Capture, let in, let out.
Whether loud or soft, whether wrong or right – the main thing is to do it with enthusiasm!

You want to learn to massage someone without breaking his/her bones?
Then this is the right place! We will also do some
pleasant facial massage and head relaxation grips.

In groups, you design and build small-scale bridges and/or towers. Finally, the structures are loaded with weights and tested to see how much they can carry. The best architects will receive praise and recognition.

Have you always wanted to linger at the camp as a living work of art? This is your chance. With a full-body body painting or rather with ornamental decorations on hands or legs you can enchant the entire camp – join the Art-advanture.

Imagination, creativity, presence, collaboration and improvisational talent – all this is exciting for you? Then the impro workshop is the right place for you! Improvisational theater is when you go on stage in a crowded theater hall without knowing beforehand what will happen there…

People who like it can choose a motive here in advance, and we will prepare them into stencils. These are then multi-layered (2-3 layers) onto a medium.
It looks really good, but it is also relatively meditative in the making. Expect to spend one or two hours scratching around on a piece of paper with a Stanley knife. Then the whole thing is sprayed on a wooden plate.

With former EU Commissioner Franz Fischler, you have the opportunity to look behind the scenes of the EU, you learn about the context and background of the EU, its historical development or take a look into the future of Europe.

Have you ever asked yourself what the world associations WAGGGS and WOSM actually do? And how is this relevant for us as Scouts? We want to chat and discuss about that, and of course much more.

Have you always wanted to make your own stop motion movie, but don’t know how to get started? TThen you are right here! All you need is your own mobile phone, a good mood and you can let your creativity run wild.

The workshops are designed to offer an interactive and personalized examination of Sustainable Development Goals 10 (Reducing Inequalities) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) in their relevance for young people and with a special focus on global inequalities.
In addition to increasing the awareness and knowledge of the participating young people on these topics, the workshops will also create the space to formulate their own demands, wishes and visions, which will be presented to decision-makers within the framework of the JUUN project.

How can YOU(th) be part of the solution to the global crisis we are facing: climate warming and nature loss? One simple way that you can help protect the planet is by eating a more plant-based diet – but that’s not all – in this workshop we’ll also explore ways to become an active citizen for the planet!

It´s getting wet! Either in the Ager or at the „cornstarch playground“ – fun is definitely on the program. Let yourself be surprised!

You can’t get enough of sushi maki and have always wanted to get an insight into Asian cuisine? Then you’ve come to the right place – in addition to vegetarian sushi maki, we will also prepare delicious summer rolls.

Whether beginner or advanced, everyone can learn to crochet. On this half day, everyone can crochet a bat, a dragon or even an imp according to their desire and ability.

Batik for all it’s worth. White becomes colorful. You are welcome to dye your own shirt or fabric.

Follow the tasks that you get from your mobile phone. Do you manage to pass all the tests of courage

You want to play volleyball with a motivated team? Then this is the right place for you!

You want to play cards and board games again like in childhood days? Then you are exactly right here.

Make your own wooden spoon, using only your knives and a piece of ember. Learn „ember burning“ as it was done in the past to make bowls and containers.

Protect the climate and planet – step by step! How can YOU(th) be part of the solution to the global crisis we are facing: climate warming and nature loss? One simple way how you can help protect the planet is eating a more plant-based diet – but that’s not all – in this workshop we’ll also explore ways to become an active citizen for the planet!

Just start making music. In this workshop you can bring your own instrument and start a fun jam session in a group. Who knows how it will end, maybe the next campfire hit will emerge.

You want to play cards and board games again like in childhood days? Then you are exactly right here.

Final registration

The final registration have started. This means you can fill in the actual number of participants and leaders, as well as their personal datas into the database.

You have not pre-registrated yet? Then register here as well. You will be placed on the waiting list but with a little luck quotas will be released and you will be informed about it instantly.

We are looking forward spending an awesome TOGETHER´23 with you! 



International Service Team (IST)

We are happy about every person who joins our International Service Team (IST). If you are interested to be part of the IST at the TOGETHER’23 use the online registration form for IST and then we will get in contact with you. Tell us your interests and skills so that we can find a good working area for you.

You will be sleeping in your own tent (or maybe together with your team) at the staff-campground. The costs are 100€ per person and includes food. There also will be a day trip. This trip is not only to get to know all the other people from the IST but also to see some beautiful parts of Austria. We will spend the day off the campsite to see the nice scenery and some sights. Let’s get to know Austria a little bit better Together’23!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask:

Want to be part of the International Service Team (IST)? Register here:


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